• Mr. Karl-Josef HÖHNSCHEID
Introductory Report
Presentation (C14-Hoehnscheid (Introduction)-E .ppt.pdf)
Nov. 5, Thu. 9:00-12:40
Grand ballroom 101+102
Chair: Mr. Karl-Josef HÖHNSCHEID, Chair of TC 1.4, Germany
Introduction: From Ex Ante to Ex Post Evaluation
How Can Risk and Hazards Be Better Embedded in Appraisal and Evaluation Approaches?
• Chair: Mr. Hirotaka SEKIYA, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
Improvement of road project evaluation method for disaster mitigation and application to multiple-disaster case in Japan.
• Mr. Hideki YAGINUMA, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan
Presentation (C14-Yaginuma-E .ppt.pdf)
Are Environmental Aspects Sufficiently Taken into Account?
• Chair: Mr. Karl-Josef HÖHNSCHEID
Presentation (C14-Hoehnscheid (Session2)-E .ppt.pdf)
Analysis of the effects of urban circular expressway in Tokyo.
• Mr. Daijiro YOSHIDA, Metropolitan Expressway Co. Ltd, Japan
Presentation (C14-Yoshida-E .ppt.pdf)
Environmental pertinence of urban transportation modes on life cycle.
• Mrs. Anne DE BORTOLI, Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Université Paris-Est, France
Presentation (C14-de Bortoli-E .ppt.pdf)
Break 10:30 - 11:10
Are Appraisal Methods Accurate and How Can Their Quality Be Improved?
• Chair: Mr. Guillermo TORRES VARGAS, Secretary of TC 1.4, Mexico
Presentation (C14-Torres Vargas-E .ppt.pdf)
The impact of external quality assurance on cost overruns of road projects.
• Mr. James ODECK, The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway
Presentation (C14-Odeck-E .ppt.pdf)
Are there Special Issues and Insights in Developing Countries?
• Chair: Mrs. Haydee LORDI, Working Group 1 Leader, Argentine
Presentation (C14-Lordi-E .ppt.pdf)
Socio-economic impacts of rehabilitation of the Hiritano highway in Gulf province in Papua New Guinea.
• Mr. Sari JUSI, Finnish Overseas Consultants, Finland
Presentation (C14-Waki-wafi-E .ppt.pdf)
• Mr. Karl-Josef HÖHNSCHEID