Management of maintenance and improvement of the rural road network.
• Mr. Clemente POON HUNG, Director general of Technical Services, Ministry of Communications and Transport, Mexico
Presentation (SP13-Poon-S .ppt.pdf)
Sustainable development of rural roads.
• Mr. Guofeng YANG, Director of the Rural Road Division, Highway Department of Ministry of Transport. China
Presentation (SP13-Yang-E .ppt.pdf)
Mobility - the Foundation for Rural Economic Development: A case study of Freight and Utah's Uintah Basin.
• Mr. Carlos BRACERAS, Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation, United States
Presentation (SP13-Braceras-E .ppt.pdf)
Case study from Asia. Rural roads surfacing trials.
• Mr. Jasper COOK, Infrastructure Research Manager, ReCAP, Vietnam
Presentation (SP13-Cook-E .ppt.pdf)