Financing China’s ordinary road network.
• Mr. Jurgen SLUITJER, Transport Economist, Asian Development Bank
Presentation (SP10-Sluijter-E .ppt.pdf)
The Effects of an Absence of a Long Term Federal Funding Bill on State DOTs.
• Mr. John SCHROER, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Transportation, United States
Presentation (SP10-Schroer-E .ppt.pdf)
The European scheme of concession for motorways.
• Mr. Massimo SCHINTU, Executive Director, Italian Association of Toll Motorways (AISCAT), Italy
Presentation (SP10-Schintu-E .ppt.pdf)
Sustainability of the road funds in Africa.
• Mr. Joseph HAULE, Manager Roads Fund, Tanzania, Mr Sylvestre KOTCHOFA, Director Roads Fund, Bénin
Presentation (SP10-Haule-E .ppt.pdf)