Nov. 5, Thu. 15:00-18:40

Grand ballroom 104+105

Chair: Mr. Seung-Hwan HAN, Chair of TC 4.2, South Korea
Co-chair: Mr. Benoit PETITCLERC, Member of TC 4.2, Canada-Quebec


Road Condition

State of the art in monitoring road condition and road/vehicle interaction.
• Mr. Michael MOFFATT, Member of TC 4.2, Australia
Presentation (C42-Moffatt-E .ppt.pdf)

Overall quality management of road condition monitoring : a case study.
• Mr. Leif SJÖGREN, Member of TC 4.2, Sweden
Presentation (C42-Sjogren-E .ppt.pdf)

Expected service life of wearing courses.
• Mr. Margo BRIESSINCK, Member of TC 4.2, Belgium
Presentation (C42-Briessinck-E .ppt.pdf)

Taking Decisions in the Rehabilitation of Flexible Pavements based on Non-destructive Measurements.
• Mr. Carlos NETO, University Agostinho Neto, Angola


Introduction to the poster session

Break 16:30-17:10

Pavement Recycling

The PIARC pavement recycling guidelines.
• Mr. Mats WENDEL, Member of TC 4.2, Sweden
Presentation (C42-Wendel-E .ppt.pdf)

Recycling of concrete roads : a case study.
• Mr. Mario KRMEK, Member of TC 4.2, Austria
Presentation (C42-Krmek-E .ppt.pdf)


Carbon Footprint Assessment

Review of practises to assess and reduce carbon footprint of pavements.
• Mr. Mike SOUTHERN, Member of TC 4.2, Belgium
• Mr. Pascal ROSSIGNY, Member of TC 4.2, France
Presentation (C42-Maeck-E .ppt.pdf)

A comparative study of sustainability tools to assess an asphalt road pavement´s life.
• Mr. Johan MAECK, Member of TC 4.2, Belgium

Presentation (C42-Maeck (2)-E .ppt.pdf)

Discussion and Conclusion

• Mr. Seung-Hwan HAN